Employee Safety Protocols during CoVid-19

May 22, 2020 3:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

These protocols are being issued to members of the AB Access Scaffolding Ltd supply chain and direct employees in order to provide clarity for working arrangements specific to our site operations and behaviours expected. In order to minimise the risk of spreading the virus on our contained site set-ups there are several practical measures and steps we can take. We are requesting that you review our own organisational controls and adhere to the following requirements for the sake of all parties on site:

  • Ensure you, our operatives or contractors have been provided with the key messages surrounding personal hygiene and the importance of handwashing. AB Access Scaffolding Ltd will provide suitable facilities to achieve this and literature highlighting practical advice, but it is your responsibility to ensure you understand how to best protect yourself, your obligations and the symptoms of the virus.
  • Ensure you have undertaken an assessment of any persons that might form part of a High Risk Group i.e. dependant on age, prior medical conditions etc. You will need to assess whether it is suitable for them to attend site where there is significant contact with others and our fellow employees.
  • We expect you to ensure that you, our operatives and fellow staff are fit for work each day and that you will confirm with them before they attend site. You will inform us of anyone that is exhibiting symptoms or feeling unwell – these persons shall follow government guidance and self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days.
  • Anyone found to be suffering from or suspected to be suffering from symptoms will be requested to leave site. This is to minimise the risk of infection to other site personnel and potentially vulnerable persons. We do understand that persons maybe concerned if unable to work, and they should contact their local Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection along with reviewing HSE documentation and guidelines if self-isolating.
  • In order to reduce the risk of spreading infection our operatives may be asked to wear gloves, masks, stagger breaks & site briefings or be requested to work in segregated work areas. They will be requested to maintain a separation of 2metreswherever possible in order to assist with social distancing recommendations.
  • We will endeavour to increase our site cleaning regimes and undertake targeted cleans on commonly touched items on a more frequent basis to help reduce the risk of possible contamination from hard surfaces. However, it is the responsibility of all persons using welfare facilities to keep them clean and tidy. Anyone found to be causing undue mess could be removed from site under our yellow and red card warning system and general codes of conduct

We appreciate your assistance in helping protect the health and safety of everyone working with and on an AB Access site. To help reduce the risk of spreading the virus, please follow HSE guidance on infection control and prevention and refer to relevant governmental press releases and documents;
• HSE: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/
• Department of Health: https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-health/

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This post was written by abaccess

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